






An artist who contradicts classification and sets aside traditional generic boundaries, German violinist, multi-instrumentalist, music producer and composer Martina Eisenreich has earned a high visability role in contemporary music, thanks to her versatility and originality. In 2021, musica femina found her among the five most-performed female composers in orchestral concert series.

Her strong dramaturgic approach und virtuoso musical background led her also to some unique work in the film industry.

Still based in the outback of Upper Bavaria, she is currently enjoying unprecedented recognition for her work, having become the first female composer ever to be awarded with the German TV Academy Award and a double nomination at the German TV awards in the same season. She has also set a new record for the highest number of nominations and awards ever received in a single season by a composer in Germany.

Before, Martina was the first woman to win the German Film Music Award for Best Original Score (Motion Picture), for her dark symphony in Axel Ranisch´s TATORT WALDLUST. (“…NOTHING SHORT OF MAGIC.” - MainTitles)

Two celebrated joint works, the ZDF Spreewaldkrimi series TIME OF THE WOLVES and the melancholic and bitter biting comedy ENDLICH WITWER, led to a close artistic collaboration with German film director Pia Strietmann. Recently followed by a haunting soundtrack for Pias dark polit thriller HERRHAUSEN - THE BANKER AND THE BOMB, premiered and awarded this spring at Series Mania in Lille.

Since 2016, Martina has devoted herself increasingly to conducting, mentored by David Newman, Angel Velez and Conrad Pope in Los Angeles. Her classmates included Fil Eisler and Ludwig Göransson, and Martina here also first met her later international agency, Evolution Music Partners. In June 2017, she conducted the world premiere of her symphonic work SONG OF THE WIND at Rousse State Opera.

Here latest film scores are for two of the 2024 Paramount+ Series, ONE TRILLION DOLLARS and TURMSCHATTEN, written in collaboration with Martinas Barcelona based artistic partner Michael Kadelbach.

Martinas discography now includes several soundtrack albums and symphonic works. Earlier, Martina Eisenreich had been working with the GLM Label on recordings of her acclaimed ensemble concert programs, like VIOLIN TALES (2011), INTO THE DEEP (2011), CONTES DE LUNE (2013) and THE SOUNDTRACK SESSIONS (2023).

Since 2003, Martina has been sharing her lively concert activity with her husband in more than 2000 events to date. Whether as a composer or violinist or performing less traditional instruments which she has been developing together with drummer, sound artist and music producer Wolfgang Lohmeier for her projects. The couple has been enacting all over Europe alongside Martinas Ensembles, the MARTINA EISENREICH QUARTETT, LAUSCHGOLD, QUADRO NUEVO and others.

Born in Erding, Upper Bavaria in 1981, Martina Eisenreich grew up in a craftsman family and began playing accordion and experiencing ethnic alpine folk music at the young age of three. She was considerably younger than her fellow students when she got accepted at the distinguished Munich University of Music and Performing Arts to study classical composition at age 15. Further, she graduated at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, studying Film Music & Sound Design. With the symphonic score to MOONMAN (2006), her first orchestral work has become a popular repertoire in European classical concert halls. The live-action fantasy about the man in the moon´s voyage to earth won numerous awards worldwide, and Martina started to work with great Orchestras.

Martina Eisenreich has written music for, among others, Nathan Cole, First Concertmaster of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, who premiered her work at the LOS ANGELES NEW MUSIC FESTIVAL 2020, Andreas Scholl, Frankfurt Radio Symphony, Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, German Film Orchestra Babelsberg, Munich Radio, members of Munich Philharmonics, Slovak National Symphony, Rousse Philharmonic Orchestra, Czech Baroque Orchestra, and the Hollywood Film Orchestra at Warner Brother Studios in Los Angeles. Her work includes music for numerous radio plays, media arts and theatre productions, as well as commissioned work like BRUNHILD´S WELT for Nibelungen Festspiele Worms, or the SAAR SAGEN CYCLE for Bergkapelle Saar, an established German Symphonic Brass Band. In November 2019, the premiere of TALES OF RHYTHM, a commissioned work by the Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie on the occasion of Nelson Mandela's 100th birthday, took place in Herford.

Through her work as a classical composer as well as scoring for films, a warm artistic friendship with film and opera director Axel Ranisch developed. Among other, Axel decided to make an entire Tatort film (WALDLUST) based on a symphony written by Martina, and after, Martina wrote the film music for Axel's Opera Feature Film ORPHEA IN LOVE (Grand Prix Golden Prague, 2023). Having fun exploring new intermediate musical worlds, currently they are developig new works for renowned European Opera houses.

Martina Eisenreich was awarded with the prestigious Upper Bavarian Culture Award in 2022. Further, she won the German Record Critics' Award, and the Erding Art & Culture Award. For her music to BE MY BABY, she received the Rolf-Hans Müller Preis (Best Film Music) - the highest value award for film music in Germany. In 2007, two films with her music were nominated at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science´s 34th Annual Student Academy Award: MILAN and NEVERMORE (Nimmermeer). The latter was then decorated with the Honorary Foreign Film Award 2007.

Besides teaching at Munich University of Television and Film Munich, Martina serves on board of DEFKOM (German Film Composers Union) and is member of Deutsche Filmakademie, the German Composers Association and the AWFC (Alliance For Woman Film Composers) in Los Angeles.

She regularly supports charity events that primarily support children in need all over the world, working closely with the children's aid organization PLAN International.